Solutions for Around the Home

Around Home Solutions offers comprehensive solutions for all your home maintenance needs, specializing in efficient and reliable repairs for every corner of your residence.
Around home solutions

We Will Make Your Home Better By Providing Exceptional Services like image General Repairs, Plumbing, Electrical, and all within your Budget!

Book Your First Service Today!


Why We Are The Best

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with years of experience in various home repair disciplines, ensuring top-notch service and quality workmanship
Comprehensive Services
From plumbing and electrical repairs to roofing and carpentry, we offer a wide range of services, providing one-stop solutions for all your home maintenance needs.
With a reputation for reliability and punctuality, we prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering timely and efficient repairs, minimizing inconvenience and downtime for homeowners.
Transparent Pricing
We believe in transparency, providing upfront pricing estimates and detailed explanations of the work involved, ensuring no surprises when it comes to costs.
Customer-Centric Approach
Our commitment to exceptional customer service sets us apart, as we prioritize clear communication, attentiveness to client needs, and swift resolution of any concerns or queries.
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Backed by our satisfaction guarantee, we stand behind the quality of our work, offering peace of mind to homeowners knowing that their repairs are completed to the highest standards.

We can assist you with all aspects of house repair.

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Call us or Book In App it up yourself


House Repair

Mauris ac risus sed quam semper auctor. Nam tempus volutpat ipsum, non viverra odio mollis mollis. Integer lacus ligula, imperdiet vel massa in, maximus suscipit turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

We Specialize In Small Repairs & Elaborate Restorations

Around Home Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services, including plumbing, electrical, carpentry, landscaping, and demolition. From minor fixes to major renovations, we provide reliable solutions to keep your home in top condition.
4.8 Rating
Across Michigan
Please Call Us Today

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of home repair services do you offer?
We offer a wide range of home repair services, including plumbing, electrical work, drywall repair, painting, carpentry, and general maintenance. No job is too big or too small for our experienced team.
How do I schedule a service appointment?
You can schedule a service appointment by calling our office, filling out the Contact Form on our website, or emailing us directly. Our team will work with you to find a convenient time for your repair needs.
Do you provide free estimates?
Yes, we offer free estimates for all our services. Simply contact us with details about the repair work you need, and we will provide you with an accurate and competitive quote.
Are your technicians licensed and insured?
Absolutely! All our technicians are fully licensed, insured, and highly trained to ensure the highest quality of service and peace of mind for our customers.
Best Pricing

Tax Included Plans

Yearly10% Discount
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Yearly10% Discount
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